The Volumes of Truth:About

From The Volumes of Truth

The Volumes of Truth:About



OFFICIAL WEBSITE of Trumpet Call of God Ministriesâ„¢

Heed the sound of this trumpet,
For this is indeed the Trumpet Call of God!

- To share the Word of God, which HE has spoken to THIS generation, free of charge.
- To magnify The Only Begotten of The Father, Yahushua HaMashiach, who is called Jesus The Christ... The ONLY Way, The ONLY Truth, The ONLY Life!
- To sound the Trumpet Call of God!
An amazing free *book(s) containing modern-day Scripture, which God is writing through His prophet(s) of the end of this age. [*Copyright © 2004-2016 ~ All Rights Reserved.]
Modern Scripture Spoken to This Generation... Hear The Word of The Lord!

Thus says The Lord: Beloved, this Word, even every Volume to every Letter, is the Word of My glory, which I have put forth once again... A testament of My love and sacrifice, the announcement of My coming, a proclamation of truth, revelation of who I really am!... The Trumpet Call of God, so all those called and chosen may hear and come to Me in their proper time and season.
Behold, it is also a strong correction for all those who have taken to themselves MY name and MY Word, to pollute it, a plumb line for this wicked generation! For this Word is a waving banner, an ensign to all nations!... A trumpet of alarm and war, the sound of recompense and judgment, which shall soon fall upon every nation!

For I AM WHO I AM!...

The Only Begotten of The Father!
The One True God and Savior!
The Mashiach!...


~ [From "The Volumes of Truth" - Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior]

"For all I have written in these Volumes shall be even as the Scriptures of Truth, for both are Scripture and Truth; therefore, put no difference between them." ~ Says The Lord, Our God and Savior

Basic Info:

Author The Lord, Our God and Savior

Release Date "From everlasting, to everlasting... I AM." ~ Says The Lord, Our God and Savior


"Before I gather, say unto them: “Behold, The Bridegroom is coming... Go out to meet him!”

And after, say unto them: “I am a voice crying out in the midst of desolations and strong judgment, shouting the name of glory and pure righteousness... A trumpet of God until the end... MAKE WAY FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD!”" ~ Says The Lord, Our God and Savior - [Excerpt from "A Shout and a Trumpet"]

"The servant, who seeks glory for The One who alone is YAHUWAH, is true. And his honor shall in no wise depart from him, for he has been set apart, and in My presence he shall abide, forever." ~ Says The Lord, Our God and Savior - [Excerpt from "I Am The Lord, and I Have Taken to Myself a Prophet"]

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[*This webpage is strictly NON-PROFIT. This ministry does not accept public donations, nor do we accept payment for any of The Lord’s works, including “The Volumes of Truthâ„¢” and all related materials. All monies exchanged at are for the cost of printing only. We also ask that if you use these materials to teach others or to distribute to others, that you take no profit for these materials, nor add to nor take from the content of these materials. Copyright © 2004-2017 ~ All Rights Reserved.]

Additional Notes:

"It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’" ~ Matthew 4:4

"Surely The Lord God does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets." ~ Amos 3:7

"For I am The Lord, I do not change" ~ Malachi 3:6

Therefore I shall speak, and this trumpet shall sound continually until the time; and when it is finished, another shall sound... And oh what a cry shall be heard, oh what bitter weeping shall fill the streets! And like the sound of a plague of locusts devouring every green thing, so shall the sound of gnashing teeth devour the air; behold, it shall break out in every corner, with a great noise! Yet I shall continue to speak, and in My hot displeasure I shall pronounce judgment upon them. And whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, the voice of YAHUWAH shall be heard. ~ Says The Lord, Our God and Savior - [Excerpt from “The Last Trumpet before The Time”]


Here is wisdom few have considered, nor have they understood:

If one who confesses Me lacks discernment,
On account of ears which remain dull of hearing
And eyes which remain dim in seeing,
Let them test My Word by My Word only...

For any who test outside My Word,
According to the words or doctrines of men,
Shall fail and be found in contempt before The Lord...

For I alone sit as judge.

Indeed they have failed to see that My Word in The Volumes of Truth, also being called The Letters, is the rod by which the translations of men are to be tested, a light which shines upon the doctrines of men to expose them, revealing them to be blasphemies and heresies before God... All of which shall burn in the Day, when the fire comes to test the quality of each man’s work.
Therefore if one professing faith be wise, he shall humble himself before Me, calling upon the name of The Holy One for knowledge, in where all understanding flows to the truly contrite and penitent, flowing in pure testimony free from corruption. And by this only shall one be wise in the reading, comparing that which was given with that which is put forth once again, discerning The Source and The Author to be the same - One Word, One Book, One On-going Testament to My Glory... By no means shall it be divided into three! Says The Lord. ~ [Excerpt from “The Word of My Mouth”]


  • Thus Says The Lord Regarding The Volumes of Truth

  • Hear The Trumpet Call of God!


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