YahuShua HaMashiach Is King

From The Volumes of Truth


YahuShua HaMashiach Is King!

2/6/06 Wisdom Given to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

YahuShua is The Gift; in Him is life. All others lead only to darkness and death, a fleeing away from The True Light, which is YahuShua The Messiah. For He is the wonderful new thing born of a virgin, as it is written.[1] Behold, He is the fulfillment of all things, The Only Messiah and Lord, fulfilling all written and spoken of Him from the beginning - the very same as God, begotten as The Son, Immanu El.
He is also The Word, which is and was and is to come, The Word of God Almighty. For by The Word are you saved, and by this same Word shall the wicked be destroyed. For they have rejected The Author of Life, and want no part with Him through Whom they were made. Thus they have chosen death and not Life - their inheritance lost, their names blotted out.
For though He was God in the flesh, He gave Himself up to the smiters, that all nations under God might be saved through Him; He being the foundation and fulfillment of all prophecy, the end of which is The Kingdom. For He is The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory, and by Him alone shall you enter in, sharing in His life and His joy, forever and ever.

Thus as the stars in the heavens are beyond the numbering of men, a glory beyond our understanding, so also is the Glory of The Messiah. For He, being The Only Begotten of The Father, is also the fulfillment of The Word of God and the prophets throughout all generations, the fulfillment of which is also beyond the reason and comprehension of men.
Therefore let these things fulfilled in The Son of Man, though mentioned in few, be for a sign to awaken the slumberers. Yet to those of greater understanding, who have been awakened to the knowledge of these things fulfilled in The Son of Man, prophesied, coming to light as a multitude, let it be a wonder.
Yet to those who are fully awake, who having received the knowledge and love of the Truth, knowing The Messiah fulfills all in every sense, in all manner, every word written, every word spoken, every action within and without, being altogether The All in All of all things, let it be truth undeniable! - Causing all, both great and small, rich and poor, bond and free, to bow down before Him, calling Him Lord!

For this truth is an emblazoned torch,
A waving banner,
An ensign to all generations,
Beyond all question!...

And there is none like Him!...

YahuShua HaMashiach,
The Holy One of Israel...



Behold, The Messiah had come and is returning; lo, He is coming quickly and shall also appear. Watch therefore, and behold the mighty and awesome power of The Holy One of Israel. For He shall sit upon the throne of His glory, and every knee shall bow. For the will of God shall be done on Earth as in Heaven.

  1. Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 43:19; Isaiah 7:14

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