The False Doctrine of “The Trinity” Exposed - The Holy Spirit is Not a Person

From The Volumes of Truth

The False Doctrine of “The Trinity” Exposed - The Holy Spirit is Not a Person


Biblical Proof

The true New Testament teaching, as preserved in the Greek text, is that The Holy Spirit is not a person. Rather, it is the power of God which He puts within human beings to accomplish spiritual works. Luke clearly describes this function: “And the angel answered and said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of The Highest shall overshadow you’ ” (Luke 1:35). Just before He ascended into Heaven, YahuShua (Jesus) told the apostles “ ‘to await the promise of the Father,’ which He said, ‘You have heard of Me. Now then, John, on the one hand, baptized with water; on the other hand, you shall be baptized with The Holy Spirit after not many days... But you will receive power when The Holy Spirit comes upon you...’ ” (Acts 1:4-8).

Here is the author’s explanation of his translation of those passages in John 14, 15 and 16 which concern “The Spirit of the Truth” and “The Comforter”:

“The Spirit of the Truth,” in John 14:17 comes from the Greek to pneuma tees aleetheias, and is another designation for “The Holy Spirit.” In the New Testament Greek, “The Holy Spirit” is always a neuter noun, which truly reflects the Scriptural teaching that The Holy Spirit is the power of God and not a person. The Greek nouns for “Spirit,” “The Spirit,” “Holy Spirit” and “The Holy Spirit” (KJV “Holy Ghost”) are as follows: pneuma, to pneuma, pneuma hagion, to hagion pneuma, to pneuma to hagion, and the above referenced to pneuma tees aleetheias. These nouns, in their various forms, are always and only neuter in gender. Likewise, the pronouns for to pneuma to hagion are always and only neuter in gender. Therefore, it is absolutely incorrect to translate “The Spirit,” “The Holy Spirit,” or “The Spirit of the Truth” and its pronouns in the masculine gender. Since the Greek text reveals that “the Spirit of the Truth” is in the neuter gender, the author has correctly translated its pronouns as “it,” “which” and “that one,” as a neuter entity should properly be translated. To translate these neuter nouns and their pronouns in the masculine gender clearly violates the basic rules of translation. Pneuma and its various derivations are nowhere revealed in Scripture as masculine gendered nouns!

However, in John 14:16, 26, and John 15:26, we do find a masculine gendered noun used in reference to The Holy Spirit, as a descriptive noun, ho parakleetos, which is translated in the KJV as “the Comforter.” Ho parakleetos defines a function of “The Holy Spirit,” or “The Spirit of the Truth,” as “a helper,” and “The Helper,” or as “a comforter” and “The Comforter.” While this masculine gendered descriptive noun is used to describe a vital function of The Holy Spirit, it does not designate “The Holy Spirit,” or “the Spirit of the Truth,” as a person. In I John 2:1 the masculine descriptive noun Parakleetos is used to describe a function of YahuShua (Jesus) The Messiah as “an Advocate” for Christians.

The demonstrative pronoun of ho parakleetos is ekeinos, which means “that” or “that one.” The author has accordingly translated ekeinos in reference to ho parakleetos as “that one,” whereas most translations incorrectly translate ekeinos as “He.” The use of a descriptive masculine gendered noun and its pronouns does not make The Holy Spirit a “third co-equal member of a triune Godhead,” a “divine being” equal with The Father and The Son. For those who know the New Testament Greek, it is evident that the theology of men, which is contrary to the inspired Greek text, has been inserted into the English translations in an attempt to give Scriptural support to the false doctrine of the Trinity.

The Volumes of Truth:

4/19/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

These questions were asked of The Lord: Lord, should we worship The Holy Spirit? Is The Holy Spirit a person?

Thus says The Lord: Beware of the doctrines and traditions of men in the churches. Stumble not over the letter, nor be led astray by perverse interpretations or biased translations, by which the churches of men have marred My Word before the people. Rather study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.[1]
For I ask you, where in the Scriptures of Truth is it written to give praise and worship unto The Spirit? For The Spirit is not a person, nor have I called it by name. For to YahuShua alone did I say, “You are My Son; today I have begotten You.[2] Therefore worship God, offering up praises in the name of The Son, and give thanks. For those who believe in The Son, and also seek to obey Him, receive of My spirit. For it is My hand upon you, guiding you in the way in which you should walk, My voice speaking softly from within, reminding you of that which I have taught you,[3] restoring you to righteousness and life. Yet the power of God moving upon the face of the earth is My spirit also, My will made manifest in the world and among men.
Therefore, I ask you, how can one pray to that which he prays through? Shall one pray to the hand of God? Rather pray to your Father in Heaven, in The Son’s name, and through The Spirit we shall be one. For all My servants move, speak and hear Me through My spirit, and only through The Son shall My children come to know Me as I truly am... And oh how blessed are those who know Him, for they love Him and obey His voice, having truly received of Him, even of His spirit, The Spirit of God.

Indeed holy, holy, holy is The Lord God Almighty...

One God, invisible and visible, The Father and The Son;
And The Spirit called holy, because I am holy...

Therefore, accept My love and receive of My gifts;
For The Spirit is indeed a gift given by The Father,
Received through The Son…[4]

Call it not a person, call it a blessing;
For blessed are those who have The Spirit of God,
For God dwells within them.[5]

From: The Holy Spirit

1/5/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear (Regarding The Holy Spirit)

Question asked by Timothy: Lord, can You help me better understand John 16:13-15?

Thus says The Lord to His servant: Timothy, think not in earthly terms, nor consider by human means. Rather know and understand, that which I have poured out is spirit and truth... The very same as The Messiah, Immanu El. Yet The Spirit is not a person, as one separate. Rather it is a gift, a blessing received through The Messiah. Therefore that which you receive is of God and of Messiah, for The Father and The Son are one. Thus The Comforter is of The Son and The Father also. For I am, We are, omnipresent, not bound by earthly laws, but of a spiritual freedom of which you can not yet understand.  

Thus says The Lord, your Teacher: This is why I said The Spirit shall not speak of itself as one separate, but shall receive of Mine and show it to you. For the fullness of The Father dwells in The Son, and that which is The Father’s is also The Son’s. My son, The Spirit and The Messiah are completely one, and I am in The Father and The Father is in Me; and all The Father wills is made manifest through Me.

Thus The Spirit is given so you may know Me
And receive strength enough to walk in My ways;
For by The Spirit am I with you always, even to the end of this age...

And when the Day comes,
When you are changed from perishable to imperishable,
No longer shall I dwell only in you, but you shall dwell also in Me;
Then shall you understand the fullness of WHO I AM...

For as it is written:
Now you see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.
Now you know in part, but then you shall know
Just as you are also known.

From: I Am With You Always

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