Meet For The Master’s Use

From The Volumes of Truth

Meet For The Master’s Use

Revision as of 15:27, 18 November 2016


2/13/13 From YahuShua HaMashiach, He Who Is Called Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy and Jayse, For Those in Men’s Fellowship, and For All Those Who Have Ears To Hear

Thus says The Lord to His servants: My sons, seek not to justify yourselves before others, nor uphold your own way, considering yourselves to be righteous in your own eyes, nor make allowances for that which you know is unpleasant in My sight. How long shall you place stumbling blocks at your own feet? How long will you stumble in your walk, before you lay yourselves upon the altar and be free?... Cast off all this pride, therefore, and be naked of all these selfish ambitions, of all these deceits of the flesh. Bare yourselves before Me, My sons; be completely forthright and honest with your God. For I am The Lord who knows, The One who sees, even to the innermost.
My sons, I know you, and in Me are you fully known. Therefore when conviction comes, you need only bow down and call upon My name in sincere repentance. For I ask you, without conviction how shall My servants regain the line? And without new eyes to see, how shall they notice the stone at their feet over which they are about to stumble? Unless the cause is understood, how shall they avoid the effect?
Therefore I shall reveal the hearts of all who seek to walk uprightly in Me, that their eyes might be fully opened to their need. For the hearts of My servants must be brought forward, that they may be fully awakened to the truth, set free in My love and strengthened by My spirit, as they strive to make their love perfect through obedience, says The Lord... Yet if My servant stands firm for himself, and is unwilling to be humbled at My feet, unwilling to look upon that which he has hidden, how then shall he be set free? How then shall I send him?

Therefore, for one to truly embrace Me as I am,
He must come to Me in all humility,
Accepting his sin for what sort it truly is,
Taking full responsibility for all he has done, without excuse...

As one offered upon the altar,
As one willing to be broken atop The Stone...
Then shall he be meet for The Master’s use...

Says The Lord YahuShua.


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