Without Spot or Blemish

From The Volumes of Truth

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Without Spot or Blemish

6/26/07 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

This question was asked: Was YahuShua ever ill? It is written: “I was sick and you visited Me[1].” It is hard to imagine that He could be scourged and crucified, but never suffered a migraine.

Thus says The Lord to His servant: My son, I came to minister, not to be ministered to. I came to heal the sick, even all who came asking; I bore their infirmities. By no means did I, Myself, become sick, for The Father allowed nothing to keep Me from My purpose.
I came down to you in the flesh, to live as a man, to be fully tempted as man, yet I did not suffer illness of the body, nor did I sin. For The Father made the body and mind to be one; not to suffer illness, but to abide in health. So as I came from The Father, and The Father is in Me and I am in The Father, so in like manner was My body, incorruptible; the kind of which even Adam was given, and would have kept to this day if he had not transgressed. For he who is without sin has everlasting life; death has no power over him.
My son, I carried the infirmities of all those who came to Me in faith. In the same way, I carried their sin though I had no part in sin Myself. I am completely clean, and because of this, all who come to Me in sincerity and in truth are clean also.

My son, I carried the weight of the world’s sin
To the cross, and crucified sin through My suffering;
The penalty of sin abolished as I fell asleep,
The Victory established for all time upon My rising...

For I am and will always be The Perfect Lamb,
Without spot or blemish, given up for many...

The Restoration of All Things...

Says The Lord.

  1. Matthew 25:36

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