Tear Down Every Whitewashed Wall of Abomination

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Tear Down Every Whitewashed Wall of Abomination

12/9/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For Those in Men’s Fellowship, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding the conflict which arises between those who keep the holidays of men
And those who obey the Word of The Lord)

Thus says The Lord: Purification of faith starts with the temple in which I dwell,[1] and ends with the house in which My servants dwell. For the Day approaches quickly wherein My witnesses[2] shall wield a staff and a sword; a staff to break, and a sword to cut and strike through. And wheresoever I send them, in where an idol is found, I shall cause a fire to well up within their hearts and they shall strike with ferocity, breaking every idol in pieces, cutting down every tree of abomination which stands against Me, piercing the heart of every man who upholds that which pollutes My name and My glory, whether he blasphemes in word or by deed. Behold, EVERY form of idolatry shall be utterly destroyed in that day! Says The Lord.

My sons, you fear a war which is waged already, a battle that has already come. And though I have said that I require peace in the houses of My servants, there can be no peace while abominations stand. Therefore, if peace is taken from a house in the name of righteousness, to rectify that which has polluted My name and My glory, this is acceptable with Me. For you have shown yourselves worthy of Me[3]... Or have you forgotten the sword I bring?[4]

Yet My words are only for those who believe,[5]
For those willing to set all these crooked paths straight...

Those who love Me more than these...

Says The Lord.

  1. 1 Corinthians 3:16
  2. See: "Regarding the 144,000 Witnesses"
  3. Matthew 10:37-38
  4. Matthew 10:34-36
  5. 1 Corinthians 14:22

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