False Miracles and Lies, Deceived and Ignorant People

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False Miracles and Lies, Deceived and Ignorant People

1/24/11 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
(Regarding modern reports of people being raised from the dead and coming back from death)

Thus says The Lord: No man shall raise the dead, save I live in that man. And no account of one raising the dead in My name is true, save it was given them by Me to do so. Or have you never read this Scripture: It is I who has done it? For I have indeed raised the dead through My servants in times past, and I shall do so again, yet this time is not yet. In that day My witnesses shall go out ahead of Me, preparing My way before Me, and by signs such as this shall My coming glory be revealed. For through them I shall indeed perform many signs and wonders, in the sight of many witnesses, to the glory of My name. Yet no man or woman in all the earth shall do these things, save those I send.
Therefore believe no report of one returning from death, speaking false tales. For as it is written: The dead know nothing at all,[1] for all their thoughts have perished with them.[2] For satan shall indeed deceive many; and as it is written: False messiahs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders, to deceive, if possible, even the elect.[3] Yet I tell you the truth, all is a lie, a very clever, well-planned deception; no miracle is found - only illusion and misdirection, accompanied by propaganda and dark sentences, great delusion to the darkness of many faces.

For there is but One in whom
The fullness of God dwells...

One alone who has the power to
Revive the dead and destroy the wicked...

One alone who holds all the keys,
Even over death and Sheol[4]...


  1. Ecclesiastes 9:5
  2. Psalm 146:4 (NAS)
  3. Matthew 24:24
  4. Revelation 1:18 (HNV)

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