Blessed by The Word of God

From The Volumes of Truth

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Blessed by The Word of God

11/18/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Who is a wise and faithful servant? Is he not one who receives the blessings of his Father without constraint, one who embraces My speech, whether soft or hard, even of that which I have spoken to another? A servant such as this is wise indeed. For he knows that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from The Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning, as it is written.[1]
Beloved ones, if I am He who reigns in your heart, The One of whom you testify is love and mercy, The One alone who knows all things, why do you resist My correction and seek only to embrace that which is soft? If I speak, and My words carry My spirit, put no difference between them. For everything which comes from the mouth of The Lord your God is a blessing for all - a song for all those who have ears to hear, a vision to all who have eyes to see My splendor, painted by the Word of My glory, an overflowing fountain inside those whose hearts are wide open.

Beloved, it is time for you to truly believe without seeing,
To obey My voice, whether soft or hard...

It is time for you to follow your heart,
And no more bow to the demands of your mind...

It is time for you to embrace Me as I truly am...

Says The Lord.

  1. James 1:17

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