A Day of Slaughter
From The Volumes of Truth
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A Day of Slaughter
5/31/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord God of Israel: I have seen the pride of men, and how hate builds within their hearts. For My hand is removed. And who is able to withhold them? Who is able to turn them back, once their minds are set? Behold, they shall come as a whirlwind, as a flood to cover the land; with a sound like raging waters shall they come forth from their places. And the earth shall tremble, the ground shall shake beneath the multitude of their devices.
Their intentions are not hidden, and that which they do in secret is always before My face. For that which is conceived of in the hearts of men is known to Me; indeed, everything whispered in secret enters into My ears. Behold, an evil plan has come into their hearts. For they plot an evil thing, saying, “The God of Israel sleeps, and will not arise to defend His people; The Holy One of Israel will not see it. Therefore let us go up and fight against the people of Jacob, and murder the inhabitants of Judah, and wipe Israel from all remembrance; let their name die with them! Yes, let us go swiftly and many peoples with us, to destroy them, that we may cast their name out of the earth forever!”
THEREFORE COME! SAYS THE LORD; COME FORTH! For by the blood of your fathers and by the blood of your sons, and by the blood of all your great and proud men, shall I be glorified in the sight of many nations! Behold, you shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, a feast for the birds, a dwelling place of the worm, and in the open fields shall you leave your spoil! For I have prepared a valley, your resting place!
THEREFORE COME FORTH, ALL YOU LOATHFUL NATIONS! Bring your multitudes with you, all your mighty men of battle! Come up for the Day of Slaughter! Says The Lord God Almighty. For My anger has come up into My face and My hand is raised for battle! I am poised in My strength, ready to strike you down with a great vengeance!
THEREFORE COME, O MIGHTY MEN! Come down from the north as the whirlwind and fight against Me, says The Lord, and bring the fullness of Ishmael with you! GATHER TOGETHER AND COME! Bring forth the weapons from the storehouses, from Asia to the kings of the south! COME FORTH! For The Lord God of Israel has prepared a great slaughter!
For indeed, the world has turned a deaf ear and many
Nations are in agreement, and not one will prevent you...
Related Topics
- A Day of Slaughter (with voice over)
- back to Volume 7
- previous letter: The Sword Comes
- next letter: I Will Defend My People, Israel